The Akashic records are the records of your Soul’s journey throughout this and all of your lifetimes. The Akashic records are a great way to connect with your higher self and your soul. This incredible tool in the past was reserved for intuitives, shamans and the spiritual elite, but it is now available to those who desire to make a connection with their records.
Angie Kraft-Meldahl
Angie is a Purpose and Prosperity coach, Life Purpose Hand Analyst and Akashic Records Guide. She is certified in IIHA Hand Analysis, Intuitive Coaching and Reiki. Angie helps people who know they were meant for more in their lives align with their true-selves and the fulfilling, inspiring and prosperous path of their Soul Purpose.
Angie Kraft-Meldahl is a Certified Intuitive Life Coach, Certified QSCA Law of Attraction Coach, Akashic Records Teacher/Guide and Life Purpose Hand Analyst. She is passionate about helping women who feel they have a deeper purpose, soul calling and knowing that they were meant for more in their lives. Angie helps women unlock the keys to their purpose, gifts and highest path to joy and fulfillment. She helps women align with their true-selves and gain deeper insight into their unique talents. She also assists her clients to gain awareness around their greatest challenges, patterns and blocks that hold them back and how they can release blocks and work with these aspects to turn them into their greatest strengths.